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The Luck Factor: Why Some People Are Luckier Than Others and How You Can Become One of Them by Max Gunther
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Max Gunther in his book he Luck Factor: Why Some People Are Luckier Than Others and How You Can Become One of Them ferrets out the five traits that people who have outrageous fortune share and then shows you an approach you can use to turn your fortune around. In the first there sections of the book he reviews a variety of speculation, randomness, psychic, synchronicity, numbers, destiny and God, as well as charms, signs and portents. However it was in Part IV the luck adjustment where I probably learnt something that really make a difference. He talks about a spiderweb structure, which is akin to what Malcolm Gladwells successful people in Outliers have, and how to develop your own. This is probably the best succinctly put advice every child should be given. This book was reprinted recently whereas before that it was keenly sought in the second hand market. Do not confuse this book with The Luck Factor by Richard Wiseman, a more recent book written by a psychologist in the UK. Max Gunther is Swiss and his book The Zurich Axioms is one of the classic investment book which stills sells at a premium as some stores. Below I give a short summary of both books
The Luck Factor Summary / Cheatsheet
The Luck Factor Max Gunther | The Luck Factor Richard Wiseman |
Max Gunther talks about how lucky people:-
Wiseman identifies four principles that underlie a lucky life. Following these, he believes, will draw good luck These are
Positives | Negatives |
Reader comments:
” ..I’d read a lot of self-help books of all kind before I read this but this one ranks right there with Think and Grow Rich and How to win Friends and Influence People.” – Narayanan (NEW DELHI, India)
“..The kind of information in this book is whatever person in their late 20s should know. what he wrote about 25 years ago still stands today. Great stuff! ” – M.L. Lindsey (MainLine, Philadelphia, PA)
“…Read this book and tell your children about the spider web structure and how to set it up. ..” – Dani Oswald (Australia)